Viral होली Image कैसे बनाये स्टेप बाय स्टेप जानकारी

Holi Tumbnail

दोस्तों इस समय सोशल मीडिया पर इस प्रकार की Holi Images खूब Viral हो रही , जिसे लोग अपने DP पर लगा रहे है और एक दुसरे के साथ शेयर भी कर रहे है, इस प्रकार की Image देखने में काफी अच्छी लगती है अगर आप भी अपने नाम की इस प्रकार की Holi Image बनाना चाहते हो तो आप हमारे इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट को अंत तक पढ़े मै अपने इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट में आज आपको ऐसी Viral Holi Image बनाने के बारे में बताने वाला हूँ

Viral Holi Image कैसे बनाये

Viral Holi Image बनाने के लिए आपको दो Step को Follow करना होगा जो की निम्नलिखित है

  • सबसे पहले Prompt Copy करो
  • Bing Image Creator से Image बनाओ

Viral Holi Image बनाने के लिए आपको जिन भी Prompt की आवश्यकता पड़ने वाली है उन सभी Prompt को मै अपने इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट में दे रहा हूँ जिसे आपको सिर्फ Copy करके Paste कर देना है और आपकी Image बनकर तैयार हो जाएगी।

Viral Holi Image बनाने के लिए Prompt

1. Image Prompt – For Boy’s

Create a high quality realistic 3d image, where a 20 year old smiling boy playing Holi splashing color water enjoying ,wearing white Tshirt on which Name “Ajay” is written in bold letters. In the background, there are many people and children playing Holi with enthusiasm, Holi like environment around, image with 4k resolution, ultra realistic image, the words “Happy Holi” is written with color letters at top sky.

3D Holi Image Prompt For Boys

create a high quality realistic 3d image, where a 20 year old smiling boy playing Holi holding watergun and splashing color water enjoying ,wearing white T-shirt on which Name “Karan” is written in bold letters. In the background, there are many people and children playing Holi with enthusiasm, Holi like environment around, image with 4k resolution, ultra realistic image, the words “Happy Holi” is written with color letters at top sky.

holi ai image prompt

Create a realistic 3D illustration of a 20 year old boy playing Holi and celebrating India festival Holi with background of blue sky in Indian street and wearing t shirt with name ” Harish ” on it by the way children’s are playing around, some children also playing Holi, and some uncles drinking tea at a shop. also a text written Happy Holi at top, 3D art painting realistic photo with high resolution.

Create a realistic image in which, a realistic 20 year old boy with Lord Krishna and Radha wearing a colorful white T-shirt with his name “Harish” is written on T-shirt, they are smiling ,The environment is colorful, the background features with hindu temples, Make sure text must be visible. the words “Happy Holi” is Written at top sky with bold letters.

Holi Friends Name 3D Photo Editing

create 3D illustration of three 20 year old boys sitting on bench with hands on neck, wearing white t-shirts, one with name”Vinay” written on t-shirt, second with name “Sameer” written on t-shirt, third with name on t-shirt”Abhay” name is written,the words “HAPPY HOLI is written at top Sky ,Vibrant colors splashed ,Holi environment around them , in the background children are playing holi, image with 4k Resolution , Ultra realistic mage, make sure Name must be correct

Image Prompt – For Girls

create 3D illustration of three 20 year old Girls sitting on bench with hands on neck, wearing white t-shirts, one with name”Payal” written on t-shirt, second with name “Anjali” written on t-shirt, third with name on t-shirt “Priya” name is written,the words “HAPPY HOLI is written at top Sky ,Vibrant colors splashed ,Holi environment around them , in the background children are playing holi, image with 4k Resolution , Ultra realistic mage, make sure Name must be correct.

3D Holi Image Prompt For Girls

create a high quality realistic 3d image, where a 20 year old smiling Girl playing Holi holding watergun and splashing color water enjoying ,wearing white T-shirt on which Name “Priya”is written in bold letters. In the background, there are many people and children playing Holi with enthusiasm, Holi like environment around, image with 4k resolution, ultra realistic image, the words “Happy Holi” is written with color letters at top sky.

Holi Image Prompt For Girl

create a high quality realistic 3d image, where a 20 year old smiling Girl playing Holi holding watergun and splashing color water enjoying ,wearing yellow Gown on which Name “Payal” is written in bold letters. In the background, there are many people and children playing Holi with enthusiasm, Holi like environment around, image with 4k resolution, ultra realistic image, the words “Happy Holi” is written with color letters at top sky.

3. Image Prompt For Cuples

3D Holi Image Prompt For Couples

create a 3d image where a 20 year old couple are joyfully playing Holi, boy splashing color water on girl body by watergun ,vibrant colors splashed across their clothes. Both are wearing T-shirts with their names, “Harish” on the boy’s T-shirt and “Anjali” on the girl’s T-shirt. the words “Happy Holi” are written in bold letters at top sky, In the background many children can be seen joining in the festivities laughing and playing with water balloons, Name must be visible.

bing ai Holi Image Prompt For Couples

A 20 year old Indian cute couple playing Holi and celebrating India festival Holi with background of blue sky in Indian street, ” Harish is write on on the boy’s T shirt & ” Anjali ” written on the girl’s t shirt on it, by the way children’s are playing around. Some children’s also playing Holi, and some uncles drinking tea at a shop. a text written Happy Holi at top in background, 3D art painting realistic photo with high resolution.

create a 3d image where a 20 year old couple are joyfully playing Holi, with vibrant colors splashed across their clothes. Both are wearing T-shirts with their names written on them, “Ritik” on the boy’s T-shirt and “Archana” on the girl’s T-shirt.the words “Happy Holi” are written in bold letters at top sky, In the background many children can be seen joining in the festivities laughing and playing with water balloons, Name must be visible and correct.

Viral Holi Image कैसे Generate कैसे करे

Viral होली Image बनाने के लिए आपको नीचे बताये गए स्टेप को फॉलो करना है ।

  • आपको ऊपर दी गयी फोटो में से जिस प्रकार की भी फोटो अपने नाम की बनानी है आपको उस फोटो के Prompt को Copy करना है ।
  • उसके बाद Bing Image Creator वेबसाइट पर जाना है और Prompt को Paste कर देना है ।
  • इसके बाद Prompt में Your Name के जगह अपना नाम डाल दो और फिर नीचे बने Create Button पर Click कर दो
  • थोड़ी देर आपके नाम की 3 होली Image बनाकर आ जाएगी आपको जो Image पसंद हो उसे Download करलो।

आपने क्या सीखा

अपने इस Blog Post में हमने आपको Viral Holi Image बनाना सिखाया है अगर आपको हमारी ये Blog Post पसंद आई है तो आप इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ शेयर करना न भूले और ऐसे ही Usefull जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे इस वेबसाइट को Bookmark कर लीजिये।

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